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Play Stack Fire Rider 3D Online Games

Those who love playing games that are related to blocks should definitely try this online free game called the Stack Fire 3D Online. Learn more about the game below!

Stack Fire 3D Online is a simple and cool game at the same time. As you can see, it consists of blocks with different shapes and colors. But when you try to start the game, you will find it very interesting to play. In addition, it makes you want to reach the highest level as soon as possible.

What game is Stack Fire 3D Online?

If you have no idea what this game is, it is a game full of blocks. To play Stack Fire 3D, your role is as a round block that will roll along the path till it reaches the finish line. To be more precise, the round block will roll automatically and you need to move it accordingly.

As the round block rolls, you will also see coins or more round blocks that you can collect. Every round block you collect will stack up and the more you have the better. When you reach the finish line, the round blocks left will be counted and it can multiply the number of coins you have!

How to Win Stack Fire 3D?

However, to play Stack Fire 3D Online is not as easy as you imagine since it consists of several other blocks with different shapes and colors that you have to avoid or shoot.

If you still can see a small gap among the blocks that are blocking your way then ensure to move accordingly and try to get through it. But if there is no, you can either shoot the blocking blocks or just hit it. Shooting requires round blocks to lose and hitting is also the same.

How to play: Drag to play
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